Monday 20 April 2015

Keep these points in mind before creating a new Website for technical support

) Don't copy the contents of other website.
2) Change the "toll free" number.
3) In "plans" tab customers should get the link to make payment and clearly explain them what service your providing, clear explanation.
3) In "Contact" tab make sure you are putting Indian address with Google map on image.
5) Additionally you have to create the new tab "Free Support" , In that tab there should be links for free support.
6) Put "disclaimer" on image, and every single page on your website.
7) And lot more things that you have to work on guys.

Because of Google policy thing and other main object why Google has made this much of big change in "Technical Support" industry, You may be thinking now that the technical support is in its cutting edge, don't worry we have a precious solution for that give us a call @+91-8826879277 or E-mail us at to know more about the solution.

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